
Showing posts from August, 2013

Sad truth about life

One of the things I have turned to realise is that we cannot always get what we expect from life. Sometimes we go through difficult storms in life and the next person you turn to might be your partner, your sister, your mum or even your friend. With all that is going on, the difficulty you are experiencing, you want them to share the pain with you. You forget that they can never be you or even wear your shoe size. You want their comforting words according to how you want them to respond. When this person respond to you in the way you don't want them to or in the correct way according to you, you feel somehow betrayed, let down or even crashed at times. It so sad but the thing is you went to them already with the answer to your problem; you just wanted them to confirm how true or correct you are. And guess what they do not give you that anticipated answer or support you expecting from them. These are the people you so much expect a backup from, maybe you even look up to them ...

Let go!

When you let something go it doesn't mean that it never existed or you should forget it's existence, its  about being at peace that it existed and cherish the memories with an open mind. I will always cherish those moments but I guess its time I let go. Sometimes it becomes so difficult to let go because it seems like you are defeated but I don't think its about losing or winning rather about accepting and learning from it and allowing yourself to grow from the experience. Your holding back might be, you are blocking your blessings from entering your door. So its about time to let go!


                                               It is in times like this when I just want to run away from all of this. I am so tired and my mind can't think anymore but I cannot sleep because there is this pending assignment which needs to be done before I go to sleep. And to think that I have a class at 7 a.m. really sucks. I can't take this anymore but am bound to. I am so far from my family, as a mother there is just too much expected of me and, I don't know how to proceed. Right now I envy those of you who are sleeping and deep in your dreams. I look at the time and think, when will this be over? I know this should and must be done, I need to be strong and never lose focus, I need to always have the end in mind. Now comes the moment where I...

My old time favourites!

wow!  right now I am listening to this Indian station and I can't seem to imagine how on earth I could love the voice behind, the kinda music they playing. I m amazed of how the world is such a small place through the current lenses of social media.  This guy has just taken me way back where I seemed to have not gone recently. To look back and realize how I used to be so excited by listening to the likes of Eddie Zondi, Metro fm , the likes of Minah Pilane  from BOP radio, my favourite radio personalities of old times....jeeez those are the people I salute, they just knew how to play my kind of music, just give me the joy to look ahead. Now I look back from where I came from and where I am now and see that much has gone by and though I could never turn back the clock, I can just be grateful for the second chance my God has given me. Though sometimes it becomes so overwhelming, I just need to focus and keep my eyes on the price and hold on. Nice ...