Sad truth about life

One of the things I have turned to realise is that we cannot always get what we expect from life. Sometimes we go through difficult storms in life and the next person you turn to might be your partner, your sister, your mum or even your friend. With all that is going on, the difficulty you are experiencing, you want them to share the pain with you. You forget that they can never be you or even wear your shoe size. You want their comforting words according to how you want them to respond. When this person respond to you in the way you don't want them to or in the correct way according to you, you feel somehow betrayed, let down or even crashed at times. It so sad but the thing is you went to them already with the answer to your problem; you just wanted them to confirm how true or correct you are. And guess what they do not give you that anticipated answer or support you expecting from them. These are the people you so much expect a backup from, maybe you even look up to them in a way, they are the people you are fond of. So you got the answer you were not anticipating and you just hate them for their opinion. You wish you never went to them for comfort.

Wake up and smell the coffee these people are not in your shoes so there is just no way will they see things the way you want them to see them. Now you realise you did not want their opinion, you just wanted their support, their ability to listen and their non-judgemental understanding. That is why it always feels so sad when these people respond negatively to you, you feel unhappy, sorrowful, dejection, depression, misery and forget that these people are not you, they can never feel the pain you feel, they may love you but they did not know you wanted them for support.

Why not turn to God, He will never judge you infect when facing adversities cry to Him and He will comfort you in no way any other can.

Psalms 55:22 Leave your troubles with the Lord, and HE will defend you; He never lets honest people be defeated.



  1. I totally agree my sister that God will not ever leave us. I love the sound of Psalms 23 where he reassures us that whether we go thru darkness he will always be with us or walk thru with us meaning we are not staying in darkness we are walking until he sets a table before our enemies

  2. thank you for your lovely comment my dear and may God bless you as you make Him your priority in life.


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