
Showing posts from January, 2016


Image Have you ever felt like you are incapable of doing a given job and thought of someone else who can do that job better than you can do it? Unfortunately you are the one chosen for that job not that other someone else. It is God’s choice and you cannot think He made a mistake in choosing you in spite of your limitations and insecurities over the other person whom to your understanding is better suited for the position than you, better qualified. I also had the same thinking at one stage being promoted to a senior position. I applied with God's grace and got the job but when it was time to resume my duties I thought "oh not me, how will I cope?" God knew this long before I did He had it all taken care off. He was there from the beginning and will be there to the end. He did not make a mistake by choosing me, He knows my shortfalls better than I do myself, He is my creator ...


Image Romans 8:18 Hmmm! what a promise made by the most High. I got this scripture while attending a memorial service and i went like "what an awesome promise." The bible puts it like this"  I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Whatever situation one endures today will never amount to the promised Glory about to be revealed to us. i say this with a smile and with so much anticipation of great things yet to come. It can be dark today but what we are promised here is that the light that will follow will blow us away. This makes me want to share with someone who is currently under this darkness and thinking its the end of the world. My God is a GOD of mercy. Do you feel like you wanna cry of your situation? Let me tell you , have you ever seen wind blowing a rock away? Well be sure and ready to see that when my father answers you...