Have you ever felt like you are incapable of doing a given job and thought of someone else who can do that job better than you can do it? Unfortunately you are the one chosen for that job not that other someone else. It is God’s choice and you cannot think He made a mistake in choosing you in spite of your limitations and insecurities over the other person whom to your understanding is better suited for the position than you, better qualified.

I also had the same thinking at one stage being promoted to a senior position. I applied with God's grace and got the job but when it was time to resume my duties I thought "oh not me, how will I cope?" God knew this long before I did He had it all taken care off. He was there from the beginning and will be there to the end. He did not make a mistake by choosing me, He knows my shortfalls better than I do myself, He is my creator and is not flabbergasted or surprised by my weaknesses and so He will be with me all the way for His power works best in weaknesses.

The assurance is from His word 2 Corinthians 12:9 and He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” How powerful is this message. Please go on and read it in your own language like I did. "Oh my God!" I feel like going back on it again, and I know somebody else does. That is how nice it is to walk with God. You turn to get assurance that He is with you no matter how overwhelming your situation may appear, that's what gives me strength in knowing that He is looking after me. 

Isaiah 41:10 says " fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." God gave me those weaknesses so to keep me on my knees so to always be His child. Do you imagine what would have happened if we did not have those weaknesses? Wouldn't we be prideful and forgetful of our father who made it all possible and He won't allow us to use them as an excuse for avoiding our mission or ignoring the purpose He created us for. 

When God call you to a monumental task, He will give you the strength and courage. So focus on His strength, not yours. Don't think about how incapable you are for the task but rather how big your God is. So instead of letting fear stop you, let it motivate you to get up and get going!

Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

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