Ever wondered what stood in front of you from excelling, from shining? From being that person you want to become. From achieving that goal you have set yourself to achieve. Well I think I got that figured out, not that because I am smarter than you but because I went through the same shade you are going through.  The same fear of being scared to be wrong. Yes the shade that made it impossible for me to shine, to be who I would love to become. The fearful, the judgemental and cynicism voice that says, don’t attempt it, rather leave it for the intelligent. Why do we become like this? Why do we continue to be so hard on ourselves? Let me tell you, it goes back a long way back to where we come from. 

Growing up, when you were shouted at when you dared made a mistake or even got a hiding for being wrong on your maths paper. Getting older when you got to be ridiculed for broken grammar and knowing that the only way to please people is to be always perfect and make no mistakes. This not only has impacted on our progress negatively but also stole our self-confidence.  We have come to live according to the default rather than design. We have let others determine how we live our lives. We have become so afraid to be wrong. This has not only affected us individually but affected us as a nation. We have become people who are afraid to implement changes because we think we are not good enough.  We choose to sit and do nothing about it because we scared people are not going to accept our vision.

 I am lucky enough to be one of those who arrived at a place where I learned that it ok to be wrong. Where you are not judged on how you pronounce English words, where you are allowed to do anything that you set your mind to. The place where it is ok to fail, where you know that making a mistake is viewed not only as a learning curve, but a stepping stone to getting to being right. This brings me back to those many times when you have been judged by others for speaking English in the way that was perceived by others as unsophisticated?  Then you never dared to try to speak again publicly to shy away from the ridicule and humiliation. You are not alone; I went through the same ordeal and now am at peace in knowing that greater is He that lives in me.  Knowing and believing that I have this giant wherever I go, have given me the new courage and perspective on things. You too can change your perspective by believing in the one that lives in you and know He will catch you when you fall.

I just want to urge you as parents, to please let your kids know that it is ok to be wrong. It is ok to break the English language, as long as you get what they are saying. In this way they are quickly learning.  Help them restore their confidence without judging them, pat them on the shoulder for those small things achieved and try not to focus on the bad.  Allow them to shine and don’t set limits for them. They are on their learning journey  and the more you allow them to be as free as they can be they will ultimately fly. I like a wise man words that says “The greater barrier to success is the fear of failure” by Sven Goran Eriksson.

When fear comes knocking at my door I just remind myself that My lovely father says to me on Deuteronomy 31:16 “ Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”

                                                Stay blessed!


  1. hahahahahaaha, u making me laugh so hard, to think i always shy away from commenting from most of your posts, because i am afraid, i might get the ENGLISH wrong, m wondering who will be reading this and seeing the mistakes i made, and now for the 1st time i feel liberated to comment, i don't care of the grammar , i don't care of the spelling, i know my redeemer leaves, u r so good my sister, God will continue to bless you, your change will impact so many lives, and God is using you to allow us to grow out of fear, to know we are right to be wrong.

  2. I am glad this could have so much effect on you my dear. My intention in this blog is indeed to have an impact on the ones who have gone through what i went through, by knowing that I am not alone but with Christ. And being able to reach one soul is a tremendous accomplishment for me.Thank you for your support and may God continue to bless you my sister.

  3. At times the fear of being wrong hinders us from exploring our full potential. How can one know what they are capable of if they never try? We all learn from our mistakes. Everything we are exposed to in life presents us with another valuable lesson. Not only can you learn from your own experiences, but also the experiences of the people you surround yourself with. Sometimes these can serve as the most meaningful lessons since it allows you to observe behaviors from an objective standpoint.

    1. True indeed. Thank you for sharing these views I hope we learn from them and continually strive for excellence. God bless you.

  4. True, fear hold us back. most people who are successful are not afraid to make mistakes. they are not afraid to fail. we should pray to the Father the Almighty to overcome this fear.

    1. Valuable indeed, we are not going allow it no more, Jesus is our shield. Psalm 27:1 says The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid? THANKS.

  5. sometimes if not always we are scared of taking chances because we are surrounded by negative people who keep demotivating us hence the fear of making a mistake and this is so sad because we grow up with it and it lowers our self esteem..and believe me parents play a huge role in our self esteem..they can help either low it or help you excel

    1. this is true, we grow up already knowing how stupid or clever we are, and its so hard to change the perception that in instilled in us once we are older, our teachers also play a part in that as the words they say to us when we wrong makes or break us.

  6. valuable insight, i do agree hence i encourage the parents of today to change their approach regarding instilling great characters in their kids. Thank you so much for sharing your views. Be blessed.


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