I am a true believer of Jesus Christ my Lord and saver and therefore the words I have learned in life of me being able to create my own destiny could easily be integrated into the Holy Bible. So when I say I am my own creator what does it mean according to the word of God? Yes I am my own creator but where does that leave God? I suppose for a person like me who travelled such a long journey to be where I am today, I will always be grateful to the amount of faith I have in the Almighty. To some it may seem a contradiction to say God is a creator and then say I am my own creator. Well for me it’s not, I believe since I have God in me it is possible to be my own creator. The amount of faith I have in God gives me the ability to change things and by just believing in Him gives me all the power to allow him to work wonders in my life. Nothing I got was from a silver platter but my faith in the one above makes me smile of the things not yet seen in my life but only the heart can feel. 
Living by design and not by default is my principle which means no one else designs how I live but Christ who lives in me. So by that, no man has the power to steal my peace for I have so much happiness to break easily. I live according to me and not let any man dictates my fate. The Bible further says in the book of Philippians 4:13 - I can do
The word all, says it all. For me the bible is all I can rely on for giving me hope for the things wished for and never doubting that He has everything in his hand.  So for me to be my creator I need consistent prayer, reading the bible and meditating on His word day in day out. We all might be aware that God has it all in his palm so why is it difficult to trust in Him to give us the joy we want for ourselves, our families and our countries. When I am happy I shall call onto the Lord, when I am tired I shall call onto to Him and every adversity I endure I know he promised me in the book of Isaiah 45:7-8 - “I create both light and darkness, I bring both blessing and disaster. I the lord do all these things. I will send victory from the sky like rain; the earth will open to receive it and will blossom with freedom and justice. I the Lord will make it happen.”
 So when you read the word it not only brings the joy but let God see how you trust in Him in every situation you face. So don't stop praying and reading the word, you might just be like me and create your own destiny and be able to make things happen before they are seen.



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