I don’t know how often you get to come in contact with these kids who are mostly seen around shopping complexes and are to some degree dirty, without shoes and even unhealthy smell. They call them street kids and I call them our kids and would like to know what you call them. These kids like any kids ran into the streets to find some refuge which they couldn't find anywhere in their communities. People ask why they turn to abscond from their caring aunts and uncles. After having done a little of some research on this issue, I have come to realize the implication of this. The exercise has helped to not just look at the surface of the problem but the root or the origin of this whole issue. Some people are even offended when these kids are offered change or leftovers. They will make comments like “they will never go back home if they continue to be treated like this.” Which makes me think, when we say this, are we thinking of these kids from our own frame of reference or their own. Do we even have a slightest idea where these kids are from? Do we know why these kids are there? Do we know their story well enough to judge them?

I am saying this because I have seen these kids, have been in direct contact with them on a personal basis. And I will tell you, I feel so much lucky that as a kid I never had to go through what these kids are going through. I know we complain that by donating to them will do no good but more bad. I do agree but unless there is a major initiative implemented to curb this problem, it is far from being over. We will continue to complain, they will turn into monsters under our noses because we did nothing. We were comfortable in our own space to care. Why should we care? Why should it matter? 

My bible says in Proverbs 14:31 “whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.”  

And 1 John 3: 17-18 on the other hand says

But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but indeed and in truth.

Before we judge let’s ask how we could assist. Let us remember the word of God and take the first step in correction. Let us love and share their pain. Let us change lives to fulfill our purpose in life. Let us remember that when we eat those yummy meals from those luxurious places, there is a child outside, who would die for that small piece of chicken.


  1. I believe in second chances. We will never know why those kids are on the street unless we bother to ask but either way, no matter the reason for being on the streets, everyone deserves a second chance.

    “Every person has a dark side. What defines a person with good character is not a spotless life of constant kindness, smiles and even temperament. But rather, it’s the yearning to learn from your mistakes, applying it, making amends for them and choosing not to repeat them that defines good character. These are the friends to keep in your life because they have stared adversity in the face and became a better person because of it.”
    ― Shannon L. Alder, Never or Forever

    1. Thank you for this powerful comment. indeed every person has their story and you'll only know it by not being far from them.

  2. i used to hesitate giving OUR KIDS money, because most often we would hear they use it to buy drugs. until i met a pastor who o said, let us bless this money as we give it to them, lets us speak life that they use it to buy food to nourish them, to give them good health and hopefully to give them tomorrow so that they can realize their second chance. may God bless us all as we continue to bless OUR KIDS with that which he has given us.

    1. the reason I have been so adamant about it was the same reason with yours but then I met this other two boys who related their story and I really saw how judgemental we can be without going deeper to the core of the issue. Thanks for this comment, I hope we continuously strive to be better people.

  3. Thank you Busi for reminding us that it is our duty to reach out and help the less fortunate in this world. Every one has a story to tell and it is truly a blessing to be able to say you helped someone rewrite a difficult chapter in their lives. The other day I met a homeless man on main road. Normally i would just rush off and go about my business but this time I actually took the time to hear his story. After talking to him for a few minutes, I was blown away with compassion and a strong desire to help....but i would have missed out on that opportunity if i was too busy to stop. So like you said in your blog, who ever is generous to a needy man, honours the Lord. Amen!

    1. Thank you too for these profound message. I hope we can all be willing to be thoroughly used as we continue our life journey and love one another with true love which was left for us by our Christ.

  4. Blessed is that hand that gives. Lets do it to please our father in heaven, and may we receive our blessings as we do so.

  5. Anonymous said...
    thanks for this post! I never looked it at in that way before. Its true, they are our kids, brothers and sisters. It makes no sense for us to ignore them. I have just had a change of heart.

    Thanks :)

    1. thank you so much for your comment, it makes me see that I am at least walking towards the right direction. God bless you!


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